Friday, February 12, 2010

What test does a virgin girl need in order to take birth control pills?

are the test different for a virgin than a non virgin? From what ive heard, most of the test done to women who want to go on birth control ';require'; that the girl not be a virgin anymore.What test does a virgin girl need in order to take birth control pills?
You need to go to a gynecologist, who will perform the same tests on you as a non-virgin (virginity has nothing to do with it). You will have a pelvic exam and a pap smear. It sucks, but it's over quickly and not really a big deal.

You do not have to be sexually experienced to have a pelvic exam or pap smear, and having these procedures does not take away your virginity.What test does a virgin girl need in order to take birth control pills?
Not, that's not true. Your regular physician may prescribe them to you, but most have you go to a specialist... a gynocologist. They may want to do an exam, but they may not. Tell them your needs. They'll ask you some questions, some about your history and things like that. They'll probably suggest something and have you try it out for a few months to see if you like it. If not, they presribe a different type to you. Whoever told you that you need to still be a virgin should read up on some things. It's good that your taking percautions now instead of after the fact. Sorry, I'm starting to sound like a parent. Good luck.
I don't know what test you are talking about.

Most girls will go to a gyno and have a pelvic exam. The doctor will take various swabs and feel around. It's a little awkward, but not painful.

You can get birth control if you are a virgin. Many women go on birth control for cramp relief and such, nothing to do with being a virgin or not.

Talk to your parents, and then your gyno.
there are no tests to go on birth control, unless you are sexually active and missed a period. you can't take it if you are pregnant. many virgins take the pill for reasons besides contraception, such as period regulation and skin conditions.

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