Friday, February 12, 2010

How can I delay my period for a few days without birth control?

I am not currently on birth control and want to delay my period for 3 days. I am going to Vegas with my boyfriend and we plan on having A LOT of fun, but not if I'm menstruating. I am scheduled to start the same day we leave and he's not the type to get his red wings. HELP!!!How can I delay my period for a few days without birth control?
you cantHow can I delay my period for a few days without birth control?
I don't think you can, can't you guys have fun anyway, he should understand. Good Luck
only with the pills. i had the same problem when i went on vacation. just take LOTS of showers and baths together. at least you can have some fun.
Just with birth control pills...... sorry

Have you had anal s e x?
I honestly don't think you can. Call your gyn and see if there is something she/he can recommend.
sweetie the only way you can delay your period without some type of birth control is to become pregnant. start the birth control sweetie and enjoy your vacation.
you cant, just use a tampon and a thin pad for back up...and take mydol or pamprin with you and you should be fine
Drink alcohol
You can ask your Doctor about the new pill-Loestrin. You only have your period for 3 days and it is terrific. The side effects may be bad the first few months depending on how your body reacts but it is definitely worth while. Side effects include, breast tenderness, lower abdominal pain, and spotting.
sorry, you are out of luck. It would not be healthy to do so anyway. I would reschedule the weekend if it is such an issue for your boyfriend.

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